Friday, May 3, 2019

Upcoming Deckathalon in Wizard101

It was announced in the Spring Update for 2019 that the Deckathalon would be coming to the spiral. Since I don't play on the test server, I don't have any first hand knowledge of the event. However, I have read the rules and looked over some videos of people who have played it.

Here's what I know.
- The first deckathalon event will be ice based. That means you will want to use fire spells for best effect.
- Everyone will automatically convert to a low level wizard and none of your gear will count toward your stats during play EXCEPT your deck.
- Your pets stats will be discarded, and I think so will any cards that the pet normally gives EXCEPT all of your pet's may-cast abilities will count.
- There seems to be four stages per event, with each stage consisting of three rounds.
- You will have no normal spells in your spellbook, being only able to cast what Treasure Cards you put into your deck.
- You will not regain any health or mana after a round is done until the end of a stage.
- You will not be able to alter your deck after a round is done until the end of a stage. This means you will need to have enough Treasure Cards to last through 3 rounds.
- At the end of each stage, a vendor offers a deck recipe. They will help versus the school you are fighting (in this case, the crafted decks will boost fire). You will also get special reagents pertaining to the specific deck crafting as drops from the round victories.
- You will be able to play the event twice per day for free. Thereafter, you will need to spend 1000 gold for subsequent event playthroughs for that day. (I do know it starts at 1000, I don't know if it stays at a thousand. The cost may rise with additional plays).
- You won't generate power pips. I noticed in a video that shadow pips can appear, but I don't know if this was a fluke.

So, without having played yet, a good strategy seems to be working toward one of these crafted decks, which will require multiple playthroughs of the event to get enough drops. If you're fire, using tc enchants for your known spells can help you craft good tc's for the event. You'll need to craft the spells before hand.

Additionally, monstrology can be a tremendous boon here. Good summons will overpower the enemy and will only cost you two pips.

Another pre-deckathalon strategy is to get a specialized may-cast pet setup beforehand. The kiosk is super helpful here, since you're gonna have an easier time to browse through the pets looking for one with a lot of may-cast talents to hatch with. Talents that would appear to be good fits would be: Guardian Wall (tower shields), Charm Chopper (for their blades), Ward Wrecker (for their shields), Fairy Friend, Spritely, Energizing Battery, (for self-heals), and Incredibly Infallible (to boost accuracy and blunt enemy shields). This is what I am currently doing on my wizards to prep for the event.

Finally, constructing your sideboard right is really going to be the key to doing well in the event. Too many cards, and you'll potentially fail to draw the right cards in time. Too few cards, and you won't make it throught all 3 rounds. Shields will be helpful until they start casting a lot of dot spells

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