Wednesday, November 25, 2020

New World Karamelle! Thoughts after a week

 So the new world is out, and... I like it! Yes, it's short. Part of that may be the way the critical system seems to have changed. Wizards critical much more often with lower threshold scores, but the damage isn't a full doubling. It's still great enough that many of my wizards are doing phenomenal damage to the creature mobs and bosses throughout the world. However, the mobs are doing strong damage in return, even on weak hits. This means play is sped up. I personally like this at least in regards to the world mobs, as long battles over collection quests are a real pain. Speaking of, the collection quest drop rates are good. There's no endless battling to complete a single collection quest.

In subsequent posts, I'll note boss battles and their cheats. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: some of these boss battles have an instant death cheat mechanic to late arrivals! 

One big factor for why I like Karamelle is that the story is strong, and the music and graphics harken to a wonderful Swiss candy amusement park theme. Some of the scores are variations on older music pieces, but one in particular, the Karamelle City Combat theme, is what I imagine to hear in a Bavarian brew house and really cements the feel of the new world. It's a world filled with Gnomes, Fairies, moles, and hamsters, plus a sundry of cute confections as critters. And a series of mysteries that all share some common threads!

Avoiding spoilers, I will say that I was quite surprised to see Karamelle's end quest and battle, and I can't wait to see where this continues!

Though there are no real gear upgrades, the gear drops are fairly solid and can backfill equipment for wizards who hadn't bothered farming Wizard City's catacombs.

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